{SOLS} Pajama Day

See More Slices at Two Writing Teachers

See More Slices at Two Writing Teachers

 The germs have invaded the Murphy house. The sniffly germs, the watery eye germs, the I-need-a-tissue-every-minute germs.  The coughing germs, the booger germs, the achoo-God-bless-you germs.   The infant Advil sits on the counter next to the Pediasure cough medicine next to the Advil PM.  Kleenex are everywhere.  

The germs attacked Katie first.  A runny nose.  Red cheeks.  Tired eyes.  Then, the germs found Maddie.  Red, watery eyes.  Coughing.  All. Night. Long.  Oh, the coughing.  Then, the germs found me.  Misery.  Ugh.  (My husband seems to have escaped the wrath of the germs.  So far.)

There was no way anything productive was going to happen on Sunday.  Not a chance.  Beds weren’t made, and our To Do lists sat abandoned on the counter.  After breakfast, I officially declared it a Pajama Day.  All four of us spent the day in our comfiest pajamas.  I’m pretty sure that nobody even bothered to comb their hair.  The kids played all day long.  I played with them.  My husband napped.  Then he played, and I napped.   We played, and ate, and played some more.  We played pretend store and built train tracks and did puzzles and colored pictures and watched a movie and did dress-up and read books and sang songs and cuddled.  We even went down in the basement and played with some long forgotten toys.

What a fun day.   After dinner, we giggled when I made my nightly announcement, “Time to put on pajamas!”

Every Sunday should be Pajama Day.  (Minus the germs…)

19 thoughts on “{SOLS} Pajama Day

  1. Love the PJ day! They are so much fun! Why is it that dads seem to escape the germs! Hopefully the germs will marching away soon!

  2. Pajama day is one of my children’s favorite memories. We have them sick and well. At 14 and 12 they still love a PJ day. Keep the tradition going!! Lovely piece -thanks for bringing back memories for me.

  3. What a great Sunday. (Minus the germs..) I like how you started the slice with all the sickness terms and then brought out the fun of PJ Day, finishing with a slogan.

  4. Sunday can be pajama day (minus the germs, of course) if you allow it to be. Maybe once a month you schedule pajama day on a Sunday. No visitors, no shopping, nothing except the four of you.

  5. The germs have invaded the Butlers again too. Why is it that they get more adorable the sicker they get? I’m writing from home with one sick Luke in his pjs sleeping on my lap. Feeling your pain, lady!

  6. I loved days like this – they were few and far between, and cherished all the more because of that. Have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving, Dana!

  7. Those germs had a silver lining- a day of focusing on family. Those silver linings are what get us through parenting I think…and a great focus for writing. A great germy gift. PJ days are the best.

  8. If you hadn’t all been sick, it sounds like you had a heavenly day. Think I’ll treat myself to a day like this over the long weekend, but with books instead of toys! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I loved peeking in on the fun of your pajama day! You packed a lot into that day. Glad you managed to squeeze in a nap.

  10. Dana,
    I so get the germs and Jammie’s thing…we needed two weeks of pj days! First Nat got sick-flu, then Kam got strep, and now Nat’s got a second cold! All since mid-November I hate when the kids get sick. So far Kevin and I have escaped…knocking on the nearest piece of wood!
    Hope you and the girls feel better soon! Happy Thanksgiving!

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