Day 9: We Almost Bee-got

The weather is warming up here in the Midwest.  Spring is definitely on the way.

“Daddy, we played outside today after school!  Mommy let us play in the backyard!” the girls told my husband when he got home from work.

“Yep, it’s almost spring,” he replied.  “Pretty soon, we’ll be able to go to the park and ride our bikes and – ”

“Go the the lake house!” interrupted Katie.  “I almost bee-got about the lake house,” she added.

I think we all bee-got about the lake house this winter.  It is easy to bee-get when you are rushing out the door to work and jostling backpacks and lunch bags and homework and trying to squeeze in dinner and bath nights and laundry.  It is easy to bee-get the lazy days of lake house living where our only concern was whether or not the cooler had enough ice and the boat had enough gas for a long day on the lake.

But Katie is right.  Soon enough we will return to our lake house and the slow days of living on lake time.

I sigh a deep sigh and finish washing the dishes.  Katie is still reminiscing about the lake house.

“Ooh! Wee-member the bunk beds, Maddie?”

I smile.  How could we bee-get?




I’m writing a Slice of Life Story every day for the month of March as part of the Slice of Life Story Challenge. See more at Two Writing Teachers.


22 thoughts on “Day 9: We Almost Bee-got

  1. You captured this moment splendidly! These are some of my favorite family moments. They can often turn into your own family vocabulary. I really enjoyed how you wove the various forms of bee-got into the piece!

  2. So sweet! This warmer weather has me thinking about these days. I love marking time by the summers. The girls will remember even more and will have even more fun at the lake summer to summer.

  3. I remember your slice just after you bought the lake house! Sounds like it’s filled with much happiness! Soon enough, soon enough!

  4. I forgot about your lake house too — but now I remember last year when you wrote about the joy of dreaming, then purchasing and visiting and living the lake house dream. Ah, what a fun day it will be when you open it back up for the season! More memories in the making!

  5. It is my husband and my dream to own a lake house! So, I especially enjoyed the line “the lazy days of lake house living.” You could probably write a slice a day for a year with all your daughters quotes and adventures. 🙂

  6. There is just so much to love here…I can’t wait until we can hit up our lake house as well….in the winter I tend to “bee-get” about it as well!

  7. How delightful to hear Katie’s voice and to think about that lake house. Can’t wait for spring/summer myself!

  8. I love the dialogue in this piece. And how your daughter’s mispronunciation of “forgotten” weaves it all together. Your daughter, a child, has introduced a special family memory that endures – an interesting contrast to the thought-provoking underlying theme of the “forgetting” that temporarily happens in our busy adult lives.

  9. Wow. It’s incredible what great weather will bring out of the little ones. Through the voice used in these piece you can tell that your girls have great memories at v the lake house. Loving the use of bee-got. I think it’s my new word of the week. Precious

  10. I always love reading your slices! You give such wonderful peeks into your life with your sweet littles. I’m glad you all haven’t bee-gotten the good stuff.

  11. I love bee-got! Love how you used it throughout the slice! I am definitely ready to bee-get the hustle and bustle of the school day and start the lazy days of summer too!

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