Katie, Almost Two

My Katie’s 2nd birthday is approaching.  I know that “two” will be a year of big changes.  Katie will leave her crib for a big girl bed.  She will be potty-trained.  Her words will multiply, seemingly overnight.  Two is big.  I’m not quite ready.

I would like to stay here, in this moment, just a while longer…. with Katie, almost two.

Katie, almost two, who repeats everything we say.

Katie, almost two, who can’t sleep without her monkey blanket.

Katie, almost two, who is still learning to use gentle hands.

Katie, almost two, who insists that it is Daddy that will carry her, not Mommy.

Katie, almost two, who remembers to say “peese” and “tank-oo”.

Katie, almost two, who idolizes her big sister.

Katie, almost two, who takes such good care of her dollies.

Katie, almost two, who dances in the living room.

Katie, almost two, who always wakes up with a smile every morning.

Katie, almost two, who is learning to count to four.

Katie, almost two, who has eyes that always twinkle with a bit of mischief.

Katie, almost two, who makes my breath catch and my heart swell with love.

Katie, almost two.

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15 thoughts on “Katie, Almost Two

  1. 🙂 My 18 month old is prompting the same sort of thinking for me. His sister just turned 3 and it feels like it has happened too quickly. I am really trying to savour each moment!

  2. I wipe a little tear of remembrance. My Katherine (who we named with a K because we liked the name Kate; it never stuck) will be 26 in a few months. I remember age 2 when she sang songs from M&M Playland every day in the car. She was in to everything and I could not keep up with her. And when she was 2, I was pregnant with her little sister.
    Keep writing. You will have her with you always, but you will quickly forget 2 when 3 comes along.

  3. It’s a wonder to capture, Dana. My youngest grandchild is ‘almost 3’ & you’re so right, many changes since last year. It’s so nice that you are noticing all those little parts that are so special, like the peese and tank-oo!

  4. So many people talk about the terrible twos but I always found that it was the year of independence which is what we want our children to be. Enjoy these few almost two days, but embrace the two’s as well!

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