Take It to the Trail

There is a 2 1/2 mile limestone gravel trail across the street from our new house. I’ve spent a lot of time on that trail this summer. You see, when we first moved in, I was hurting. There were personal and professional wounds to heal. Many days I took it to the trail.

Sometimes I ran the whole way without stopping, music blaring in my ears, leaving all my anger and hurt behind me with each step.

Sometimes I tried to run the whole way but couldn’t. I would walk for a bit, catch my breath, and give myself a little grace.

Sometimes I jogged, but stopped at the crest of the hill to wipe my tears. Like I said, there were wounds to heal.

Sometimes I walked and talked to my mom. Sometimes I walked and talked to God. One time He answered.


Sunset on the trail

Anyway, I spent a lot of time on that trail this summer. That trail holds all my secrets.

Last night, on the eve of starting a new school year as a classroom teacher after nine years in another role, I took it to the trail one last time. I ran the whole thing, no music, just the sound of my feet hitting the gravel.  I thought and I prayed and I ran.

And I felt happy.

8 thoughts on “Take It to the Trail

  1. You gave yourself grace. That is a fine gift, my friend. My heart hurt for you reading this post, but you have found your way out of your black times and into a better place. How wonderful to think of you back in the classroom, Dana! Happy new school year!

  2. Time heals all wounds – and it helps to have a trail, a few tears, and some praying to ease that healing too! Sending thoughts for continued healing your way.

  3. As I read this, I don’t know your secrets but I do come away with knowing so much about the kind of person you are and the many ways you deal with conflict. And love how your piece ends. So much symbolism in your runs. Thanks for sharing such an honest piece. Keep running and I hope more runs end that way yesterday’s run ended.

  4. I’m so sorry that you’ve been hurting. I admire your determination in hitting the trail, working through it, and allowing yourself time to heal. Take care of yourself and best wishes for happy runs and fulfilling school days.

  5. Alone time conversing with nature and God is just the thing needed to lighten a heavy heart. Glad you found peace and happiness on the trail. Good luck with your new school year.

  6. My love and my prayers and positive thoughts are with you. You keep running -but yet you are not running away. You seem to be facing it all – through your running. Pretty cool. xoxoxo

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